Program & Product Evaluation and Research Consulting


In higher education, non-profits, and for profit ​organizations I have

  • Participated in over 60 evaluation and applied ​research projects
    • Have led over 30 evaluation and applied ​research projects,

which have included customer experience and product ​research, as well as program evaluation projects

  • 22-peer reviewed publications with over 630 ​citations across them,
    • 6 of which are first author, with over 120 ​citations
  • 8 invited talks

Services offered

For quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and ​survey research:

  • Goal and question design development
  • Research design
  • Instrument development
    • Surveys, rubrics, observation, focus group and ​interview protocols
  • Analysis
    • Quantitative, mixed methods and qualitative
    • Instrument validation
    • Power Analysis
  • Writing up findings and creating deliverables
  • Training in any of the above

I have expertise in culturally responsive ​assessment, evaluation and research

Resesarch and Statistics Mentoring and Tutoring

Research Mentoring

I work with anyone who is doing research in the social and behavioral ​sciences, whether it is as a student, or working on a project for work or ​fun.

I Can help with

Any part of your study, from question development through to deliverables ​(papers, presentations, reports)

Statistics Tutoring

I have over 2000 hours of statistics tutoring and mentoring. I can help ​you with your statistics class, high school, undergraduate, graduate ​most majors except advanced business statistics courses

When asked about my work I tell people “I work with the most ​amazing people. I am incredibly lucky. My students and clients are ​amazing!” I truly mean that.

I care deeply about the people I work with and their success. I have worked with people with all sorts of learning styles. ​My degrees in education have given me the tools to adjust my teaching style on the fly for my students’ needs.




Basic R Stuido



Quantitative Analysis

Including: descriptives, factor analysis, ​all regression types, ANOVA family, t-​test, correlation, cluster analysis, non-​Parametrics, meta analysis

Instruments and Qualitative Analysis

Instrument development (observation ​protocols, surveys, rubrics, tests), focus group ​and interview protocol development

Qualitative analysis: artifact analysis, thematic ​analysis of interviews and focus groups

About Brooke

Relationship and Assessment Philosophy

Assessment, evaluation, and research is about relationship with others. I’ve spent a lot of ​time working on being a better person in the world and understanding others. The work I do ​puts people first, and interprets data through the lens of people interacting with ​organizations, products, ideas.

Education & Experience

  • PhD in Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences from Utah State University
  • I have 15 years of exptertise in survey methodologies, quantiatiave and mixed-​methodologies in an array of context and content areas, including small-non profits, ​higher education, for profit institutions, and large non-profits.

I am a methodologist that can apply my tools to your needs

Diversity & Inclusion

I have a deep understanding of how my methods interact and impact different contexts, ​cultures and content.

I approach my work as a partnership.

You are a subject matter expert in your space and I have tools that can help you discover ​how amazing your space is, and how it can be more so. I deeply value everyone’s voices ​and love meeting people where they are.


Below are three examples of work that I have done. Please contact me if ​you are interested seeing more.

Discerning Vineyard Ordination.

A qualitative analysis I did for ​Vineyard USA. I did the analysis ​and wrote 90% of the report.

Unethical Numbers: A meta-analysis ​of library learning analytics studies

A co-authored paper I did with a ​collegeague. I did the statistical ​analysis for the paper.

The user experience of a pilot of the ​Canvas Learning Management ​System

I ran the project, putting together ​timelines, designing surveys and focus ​group protocols, analysis and ​deliverables.

Resesarch and Statistics Resources

Semi-Lined Girl Reading about Statistics

G*Power: A small free tool for running effect ​size and power analysis

Effect size thresholds: A guide for what is large, ​medium and small for an array of sizes

Effect Size Calculators: A collection of effect ​size calculators for different statistical tests

Effect Size on the Research in Action podcast ​(featuring me)

Effect Sizes

General Statistics

StatsNotes Books: A set of books ​created for different analyses, with ​explanations for different stats ​programs. Available electronically.

Annotated Output at UCLA: Different ​Analyses without put from Stata, SAS, ​SPSS, MPlus & R

Statology: A catch all website for ​understanding basic statistics, how to ​do them by hand, how to run them on a ​TI-84, and calculators for running them. ​Includes R help.

JAMOVI: A free, open source, stats program (gui) ​built on R.

JASP: Also free, open source powerful stats ​program

R: A free, open source, stats program that ​requires programming to use - R or Python



Program Evaluation

It was wonderful having Brooke build out an assessment for a ​large multisite project. I have no experience with statistics or ​qualitative assessments like this and Brooke was skilled at ​making things simple for me to understand while building out ​an excellent assessment for our organization. Brooke can ​make complex ideas understandable, making it possible for ​everyone in an organization to comprehend and celebrate the ​results! -Br​ooke O’Neal


Brooke is AMAZING!!!! Her love for statistics gives me the ​confidence to believe that I can love it to! The level of clarity she ​has given is unmatched compared to my professor and other ​learning platforms I have utilized prior to. I look forward to ​working with Mrs. Brooke in the future! Thank you so much, you ​have changed my relationship with math. -Tina

Testimonials Abstract Concept Vector Illustration.



Contact me for pricing on evaluation ​and research projects.

Tutoring:$45-$70/hour depending ​on expertise involved. For long term ​tutoring a flat fee can be arranged.
